Fusce vitae magna sit amet orci bibendum volutpat id quis enim. Quisque viverra ligula sit amet porttitor ornare. Cras eros mi, rhoncus ac elementum vitae, dignissim nec enim.


About us

In the heart of TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION’s inspiring journey stands the visionary leader, Dr.VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA, our esteemed founder. With a deep commitment to fostering positive change, our organization is dedicated to addressing pressing societal issues, placing a special emphasis on Education & Literacy, Science & Technology, and Skill Development. VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA’s guiding vision propels our dynamic team, empowering us to create transformative opportunities for individuals and communities alike. Beyond the city limits of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, our reach extends globally, engaging in international events and forging impactful business alliances. Join us on this transformative journey as we strive to empower, uplift, and leave an indelible mark on the world.




Manifesting Our Inner Positivity Into Existence


Manifesting our inner positivity into existence

Who we are

Founded by the visionary VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA, TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION is a beacon of positive change. Our identity is rooted in a passionate commitment to addressing societal challenges and making a meaningful impact. VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA’s leadership inspires our dedicated team as we collectively strive to empower communities, foster education, and drive innovation. At the core of our identity lies a relentless pursuit of positive transformation, aiming to leave a lasting imprint on the world.

What we do

TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION is dedicated to initiatives that transcend boundaries and create opportunities for growth and development. With a focus on Education & Literacy, Science & Technology, and Skill Development, we aim to equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our efforts extend beyond local borders as we actively engage in international events, form global business alliances, and contribute to infrastructure development projects. At TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION, we are not just an organization; we are a catalyst for positive change, shaping a future where every individual has the chance to flourish.

Our Mission

At TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION, our mission is to empower individuals and communities through transformative initiatives that foster education, promote scientific innovation, and enhance skill development. Guided by the vision of our founder, VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA, we are committed to addressing societal challenges and creating sustainable opportunities for growth. Through collaborative efforts and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we strive to uplift lives and make a positive impact on a global scale.

Our Vision


TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION envisions a world where every individual has access to quality education, where scientific advancements drive societal progress, and where skills development paves the way for inclusive growth. Our vision is to be a catalyst for positive change, shaping a future where communities thrive and individuals reach their full potential. By fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and empowerment, we aspire to create a lasting legacy of positive transformation that transcends borders and generations.



Embark on a journey of impact with TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION by extending your support through a donation. Your contribution, whether big or small, plays a pivotal role in driving positive change. By donating to our cause, you become an integral part of initiatives that empower communities through education, foster scientific innovation, and enhance skill development. Your generosity fuels our mission, allowing us to reach more lives and create sustainable opportunities. Join hands with us in building a brighter future and making a lasting impact. Together, we can inspire change, uplift lives, and contribute to the betterment of our global community. Make a donation today and be a catalyst for positive transformation.




I am Dr. VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA, the founder of TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION, and I am honored to welcome you to our transformative journey. Our foundation is rooted in a profound commitment to positive change and community empowerment. At TATVAMERAKI, we believe in the potential for impact through education, scientific innovation, and skill development. It is not just an organization; it’s a collective effort driven by a shared vision of creating opportunities, uplifting lives, and making a meaningful difference in our communities. Your support is instrumental in realizing this vision. Join us as we work towards building a future where every individual thrives, and communities flourish. Together, let’s make a lasting impact.


Sustainable Energy

We are focused on building a long-term, sustainable energy.

At TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION, our strength lies in the dedication and diversity of our exceptional team. Comprising individuals with a shared passion for positive change, each member brings unique skills and perspectives to our collective mission. Led by our visionary founder, VIJAYALAKSHMI MISHRA, our team is committed to addressing societal challenges through initiatives in education, science, and skill development. From our dynamic leadership to the individuals working behind the scenes, every team member plays a crucial role in realizing our vision. Get to know the faces driving our impact, as we introduce you to the heart and soul of TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION – a team united by a common purpose and a shared commitment to making a difference.


© Vivaan Welfare Foundation (6)


One of the main objectives of many foundations is to promote education and provide access to quality education for children and youth who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. This may involve building schools, providing scholarships, offering vocational training, or supporting educational programs.

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Foundations often focus on improving healthcare services for marginalized communities. They may establish medical facilities, organize health camps, provide medical supplies and equipment, support medical research, or assist in the treatment of specific diseases.


Poverty Alleviation

Another common objective is to alleviate poverty by implementing initiatives that help individuals and communities become self-sustainable. This may involve providing financial assistance, livelihood support, entrepreneurship training, or microfinance programs.

Scan & Donate

Empowering positive change has never been more convenient. With TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION’s innovative “Scan and Donate” initiative, contributing to our mission is as simple as a quick scan. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, we’ve streamlined the donation process to make it easy and accessible. Simply use your smartphone to scan the provided QR code, and instantly connect to our secure donation platform. Your contribution, whether big or small, will directly support initiatives in education, science, and skill development. Join us in leveraging technology for good and scan to make a difference today. Your support is a key catalyst in driving impactful change, and with a simple scan, you become an integral part of our journey towards empowerment and positive transformation.



  • Account Number: 739105000828

  • Bank: ICICI BANK.

  • IFSC Code: ICIC0007391

Come to join us in this revolution

"Empowering through education, innovating for change. Join us on this journey of impact at TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION."

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Women Empowerment

TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION champions women's empowerment through education, skills, and fostering self-reliance. Join us in creating a community where every woman can thrive.

Healthcare Initiatives

Our healthcare initiatives at TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION aim to improve access, raise awareness, and address health challenges. Together, let's build a healthier and more resilient society.

Skill Development

TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION focuses on practical skill development, empowering individuals for success in a rapidly changing world. Join us in building a skilled and dynamic workforce.

Social Empowerment

Focused on inclusivity, TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION strives for social empowerment, uplifting marginalized communities and fostering equal opportunities for all. Join our journey towards a more equitable society.



We'd love to hear from you

Contact Us

We welcome your inquiries, feedback, and collaboration opportunities. Whether you have questions about our initiatives, wish to partner with us, or want to get involved in our mission, we would love to hear from you. Your engagement is crucial to the success of TATVAMERAKI FOUNDATION, and we are here to provide information, assistance, and a platform for positive collaboration. Feel free to reach out through the contact form below, and our dedicated team will respond promptly. Thank you for your interest in being a part of our journey towards creating lasting impact and empowering communities.

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